Law professor Wendy Wagner’s scholarship at the University of Texas captured the attention of the U.S. government, which contracted with her to analyze how federal agencies can better use science in decision making. Unfortunately for Ms. Wagner, her federal contract means that she cannot contribute to any political party, committee or candidate for federal office. So in 2011 she went to court, asserting that the 74-year-old ban on contractor contributions is unconstitutional.
On Sept. 30, the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit heard arguments in Wagner v. FEC. The case provides a much-needed opportunity for the courts to demand strong justification for laws curtailing political speech.
The question in Ms. Wagner’s case is whether the ban on contractor contributions furthers the government’s interest in preventing quid-pro-quo corruption—meaning an exchange of dollars for political favors. This is the only interest considered sufficient to justify limits on political contributions, consistent with the First Amendment, under the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. FEC, and the D.C. Circuit’s own precedent that year in v. FEC.
The government contends that banning contractor contributions prevents quid-pro-quo corruption because if contractors could make donations, candidates might return the favor by helping secure a federal contract. The ban’s genesis lies in the Works Progress Administration scandal of the late 1930s, wherein WPA employees and contractors were strong-armed into making contributions to Democrats as a condition of keeping their jobs or contracts. The WPA’s blatant solicitation shocked the nation, leading to the 1939 Hatch Act, which included broad limits on political activity by federal employees. These included a ban on employee contributions to candidates and a ban on contributions by contractors. Read more »